Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mini teenie weenie

How small is small is all relative to the how big is big. At some point atoms and galaxies kind of act the same way.

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Central St,Bay Roberts,Canada

Monday, July 25, 2011


And so it is, we move we displace we saunter, but all in all we are idle. Standing in front of what is behind, just so. To suggest there is something behind confirms that there is something ahead. Spacial [special] theorem of the day, time as space would also fit into this. No? I'll have the theorem special #4, it comes with egg rolls.

Retouching scanned negatives, tiz the summer for that it appears. The results are outstanding but questions remain. As the retouching process continues, the idea of "cleaning up" the images is always there. At what point does the removal of spots and dust become a removal of the artifacts that make an analogue photograph what it is. The decision tomake is what artifacts to keep and which to make disappear and at what point will the photograph become a capture?

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Central Street,Bay Roberts,Canada

Friday, July 22, 2011

The sky is falling and I don't have an anti-gravity ray.

The weather has been rather unfriendly of late. I am not a fan of talking about the weather but it usually supplies one with an opening to some kind of conversation.

On est ici, ou bien là, ou encore entre les deux. La mouvance se produit toujours en deux sites simultanément. Intérieur et Extérieur. C'est simultané car l'un va inévitablement produire un effet sur l'autre. L'attirance vers le déplacement lent, utilisant le principe de la friction maximale, permet l'absorption des détails et des fréquences localisées. L'ouverture maximale aux synchronicités s'établi et les filtres quotidiens se trouvent bloqués.

L'idée d'être dans le moment peut très bien se traduire de l'espace temps au temps espace. Le temps étant une chose qui s'oppose à la durée peut exister comme lieu.

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Central St,Bay Roberts,Canada

Sunday, July 10, 2011

C.B. Day 1 (a Deleuze moment)

Interesting Drive.

I really do think that automobiles were just the wrong way to go.

Including myself, there were way too many single occupant vehicles on that f#€¥*% highway today. Roads were damp, at times wet, mostly needing some kind of attention.

Content de me retrouver avec quelques journées de temps à dévouer au travail de studio. Ce n'est pas un boulot très facile que d'essayer un peu de faire accroire qu'on sait de ce que l'on parle. I read Deleuze Deleuze like that, his most brilliant observations happen when he obviously does not have a clue of where he is going.

[I was listening to Nora Young today on Spark, and for the third time listened to the show on McLuhan's B'day, and was just set to thinking about parallels in his and "the big D"'s work. I am presently listening to The Residents first release, "Meet The Residents"; which is, by the way, a necessity in anyone's record collection. Anyway, I am always surprised at this uniquely Canadian way of trying to eek out our legends. If there is possibly something singularly and hopelessly Canadian about us...]GED

[sorry.... Got to the end of the LP] BRB

... this obsession with trying to figure out what the sweet jelly roll is a Nuk ( veiled reference to "The Infinite Jest", a must for any SPARK's listener's reading list... but don't bother if you are a stuffed up academic with only a performance art enabled enthusiasm for humour; it jest won't werk.

A good, outside the box reading of Mille Plateaux, in French preferably; Brian Massumi wrote a really excellent translation of, it but it ain't french so one must allow for meanderings.

Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Premier Dr,Corner Brook,Canada

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Touch re:touch

I am in the process of scanning and post-processing 4x5 negatives from a photographic survey of Fish Plants in Western Newfoundland. I have been photographing several sites over the past 4 years and have amassed a huge pile of images. There was a problem with a good portion of the negative stock I was using resulting in pin holes and other artifacts that forced a reconsideration of how things were going to be printed in order to preserve consistency and quality.

After much experimenting, a way was found to scan the negatives using a fluid mount system on the Epson 750. If one is careful to turn off most of the "correction" tools like automatic level and curve adjustments or scratch and grain correction, it is possible to get a scan that accurately reproduces the original negative. This will allow to process the image, make necessary adjustments and corrections while staying in control of the process and produce an image that will retain many of the qualities of the silver printing process.

Wen I return to the studio, I will begin posting some of these images to the Fish Plant blog and the CURRA website. I am still betwixt and between about how to present to work in these formats without, inasmuch, reducing the impact of "unveiling" the work in an exhibition context; it is necessary to control this kind of output so that the show can have some air of freshness when it is finally put together.

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Newfoundland and Labrador 70,Bay Roberts,Canada

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Coincidence, synchronicity is there any better muse.

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Newfoundland and Labrador 70,Bay Roberts,Canada

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Long now and long here.

La surface, la face de tout, la face au-dessus de tout. Pas le visage, ça, c'est tout autre chose nécessairement. Quand on s'y arrête un peu, on peut voir le temps et la surface qui se touchent, ou bien même se croisent. Ce sont ces moments où la texture des choses, investissements psychiques, réussis à susciter le ralentissement de la perception horaire. Le temps devient une chose, un objet avec ni passée, ni future, et aucune notion du présent.

- Posted from GEDEON XXIII

Location:Newfoundland and Labrador 70,Bay Roberts,Canada

Friday, July 1, 2011